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Grenoble QD Lab
The precision synthesis of “greener” QDs, i.e., nanocrystals exempt of toxic heavy metals, is the core of our research. This goal is driven by a number of concrete applications and it can only be achieved through the understanding of the fundamental reaction mechanisms governing the nucleation and growth of QDs. This knowledge relies on the combination of complementary ex-situ and in-situ characterization techniques to assess the evolution of the optical, electronic and structural properties and to get a clear picture of the surface state of the QDs.
For the different materials we investigate, the development of synthetic schemes giving access to narrow size distributions, shape control and core/shell structures is one research focus. In collaboration with Marie Carrière (SyMMES-CIBEST), we study the toxicological profile of our materials in the pristine state and after ageing/ accelerated weathering.
We also evaluate the potential of the obtained QDs for diverse applications, in particular biological imaging and detection, LEDs, solar cells, photodetectors, photocatalysis and thermoelectrics.
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